Harmonizing With the Cosmic Flow
A few articles back I drew on the work of physicist, Sarbmeet Kanwal, who explored and wrote on Quantum Evocation (linked here: Quantum). It offers a new paradigm to replace the deterministic Newtonian paradigm where all future events are causally determined by past events. In other words, the past determines the future where events unfold in the only way they can.
Quantum Evocation
Rather than focusing on past causes for future events, quantum evocation focuses on the allurement of future possibilities.
In quantum evocation the future is not determined but rather is allured or enticed. A quantum particle is drawn to one of many possible futures, each a having higher or lesser probability of occurring. This is all done devoid of any past causation. The past in this case becomes irrelevant. It is only future enticements that the particle has an affinity for, that draw it forward.
Applying Quantum Evocation to Human
Then, Kanwal applied this idea to our everyday human world. As we saw how the universe allured the particles to their next positions, so likewise humans are also allured to their possible futures.
Rather than believing our future choices are fixed and determined by our past, applying quantum evocation to humans opens up our future. What is the universe calling us to do? We are not conditioned by our past, but can detach ourselves from our past and feel the allure of future possibilities.
As with the quantum particles, the human future is not fixed, but when a future possibility is realized, the other possibilities are eliminated. Also, like the quantum particle, this human future is constantly evolving so no matter what choices are made and therefore realized, more choices continually open up in this evolutionary, dynamic process.
If out of ignorance, we find we have made a bad choice, then we can always rectify it by our next choice. It all comes down to getting in touch with the universe or the cosmic flow and discovering what the universe wants from us.
We are the Universe in the Form of a Human
This works because we are the universe and the universe is us. The universe’s development is our development. Its aim is our aim. The universe knows the path we must follow, we just need to quiet our minds down and feel its allurement.
We don’t have to worry about messing it up because if we are intent on discovering what the universe is calling us to do, we can always right any wrong decision we might have made. We won’t be on a straight line trajectory to our goal, but may have little side detours, or even back steps, but the overall trajectory will be forward as long as we are plugged into the evolutionary urge of the universe.
This is similar to the trajectory of a thrown ball from a quantum, but not a Newtonian perspective. Let me explain.
Newtonian and Quantum Perspectives
From the Newtonian perspective, if we throw a ball we will see it follows an arc. After we release it, it rises, reaches its maximum height, and then gradually falls back to the earth where it hits the ground. The trajectory is a continuous line.
However, in the quantum world, that arc is not so direct or continuous, but it does follow the same general arc curve. Only in the quantum world, because no future possibility is fixed, the trajectory is broken up with back steps and sidesteps, but eventually the quantum particles will get to the same place, just not in such a direct fashion.
This leads me to the purpose of this article. Sarbmeet Kanwal wants to connect the notion of cosmic flow to quantum evocation. When he taught me this, it just blew my mind.
What is Cosmic Flow?
First, let’s define cosmic flow. This occurs in the dynamic relationship between parts and wholes. In other words, wholes are affected by the activities of its parts, and the parts are then affected by the activity of the whole. As the parts change, the whole changes, which in turn changes the parts, which in turn change the whole and so on.
We call these parts/whole interconnections “holons”. For example, an atom is a whole in itself, but can also be a part of a molecule. A molecule is a whole unto itself, but can also be a part of a cell and so forth.
What are Evolving Holons?
Cosmic flow is not just the interaction between these parts and wholes, but also its evolution as it evolves over time, creating new wholes. For example, in the beginning of the universe there were only subatomic particles.
There were two kinds of quarks present and when the environment was right, they combined in different ways to create neutrons and protons, representing a new whole that hadn’t existed before.
Later these protons and neutrons combined to form another new whole, the nucleus. From there when the temperature was just right, the nucleus attracted an electron and the first atom was formed. As I said earlier, atoms eventually combined to form molecules, that later combined to form cells, and so it evolves.
The amazing thing about this is the parts never had any idea they were going to connect with other similar parts to create a completely new whole. The atoms didn’t have any idea that if they came together they would form a molecule.
Atoms Do Their Atom Thing
I realize atoms don’t think like this, but the point is still valid. Just stay with me a minute. The atoms are just doing their atom-like things. They just do what the universe wants them to do, what the universe calls them to do. They don’t stress over creating a molecule because that would be outside their realm of understanding.
Then one day when all the conditions are right, atoms come together and a molecule is magically formed. Nobody could have predicted it. Even an intelligent human, watching the creation of the universe with no prior understanding of its processes, would never have guessed a molecule would emerge from a conglomeration of atoms.
Humans Do Their Human Thing
How is this relevant to humans? Like atoms we also don’t know what future possibilities might unfold from our combining with other humans. However, unlike atoms, humans have self-awareness and free will so can imagine all kinds of things.
But the atom and all the other particles going through this parts to wholes development have something to teach us here. What we learn from, say atoms, is that in order for atoms to develop into the next stage of evolution, the creation of the molecule, all they have to do is their atom thing. That is what the universe wants of them.
So, for humans, all we have to do, is what the universe calls us to do. To use our earlier term, what the universe evokes from us which is to do our “human” thing.
This is all we need to focus on. When we do that, the next stage in evolution unfolds naturally, just as it did with the atoms and molecules.
We don’t really have to do anything except live our lives as best we can in connection with the universe’s purpose, and the rest will magically unfold of its own accord.
How To Figure Out the Human Thing To Do
Of course, the difficult part for humans is to figure out what the universe is trying to evoke from us. That is where we have to calm down, quiet our mind, and feel that cosmic flow at the core of our being. That’s the hard part, but if we can accomplish that, then the rest will take care of itself.
We don’t have to worry about anything else. We won’t have to guess or fret about the outcome if we do this or don’t do that. We don’t have to worry about any of that.
We just have to get quiet and feel that quantum evocation in our souls and follow that. If we find a choice we have made was not great, then we learn from the experience and make better choices in the future, based on our deepening sense of our quantum allurement.
Our trajectory will be more like those quantum particles with its fits and starts, its back steps and sidesteps, than the continuous line trajectory of the Newtonian ball.
I found this concept liberating. All I have to do, is get in touch with and become a part of the cosmic flow, and the universe will take care of the rest. The atoms just did their atom things and presto, they became with other atoms, a molecule. If humans just do their human things as part of the cosmic flow, then presto, what will we become? We can’t even begin to imagine. That is a very exciting thought, indeed.
To learn more about the magic of the universe: Click this link: The Magical Universe.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash