The Dog Whisperer and the Ego
Have you ever watched Cesar Milan’s show, The Dog Whisperer? Its newest rendition is called Better Human, Better Dog. It’s very spiritual. In the show, Cesar Milan, a dog trainer, takes on challenging cases where owners have lost control of their dogs.
The Dog Whisperer
The intriguing aspect of the show is that Cesar is not there to train the dogs but to train their owners. He says the problems most people have with their dogs stem from their inability to control themselves, and by that, I mean their thoughts and emotions, leaving them unable to control their dogs who pick up on their nervous energy and anxiety. Cesar says the owners must assume the role of pack leader to relax their dogs.
Becoming the Pack Leader
The problem is that people do not, for various reasons, assume the role of pack leader, forcing their dogs to take on that role, a role for which they are ill-equipped. According to Cesar, this is the cause of most dogs’ inappropriate and potentially dangerous behavior that can threaten other animals and humans. And it doesn’t matter if the owners have a big or a little dog; the dogs feel they must step into that role when the owners won’t.
Becoming Calm and Assertive
It’s the mindset of the owners that is the culprit here. If the owners want to turn this around, they need first to calm down, as Cesar says, and then become more assertive. Accomplishing this allows the owners to exude calmness and strength, the frame of mind needed to properly give their dogs boundaries and limitations.
The way Cesar advises people to get control of their thoughts and emotions is what we need to do with our own thoughts and feelings. Like Cesar’s problem dogs, our out-of-control egos can cause us to strike out unnecessarily at others, creating a myriad of personal and global problems.
It’s too bad we don’t have a human whisperer who, like Cesar, would come into problem situations, be they personal, global, or both, to teach us how to maintain presence. We need to become the pack leader of ourselves. What do I mean by that?
Becoming Your Own Human Whisperer
In the same way, Cesar teaches dog owners how to be the pack leader of their own emotional and mental states for the sake of their dogs, so a human whisperer would counsel humans to do the same things, but for their own sake and not just for the dogs.
Similarly, Cesar tells dog owners they must become calm and relaxed before they can assert their authority, so humans also must become calm and relaxed before they can claim control over their egos to have influence over others.
Our Two Selves
You see, humans have two selves. We have a little “s” self which is our ego self, and a big “S” self which is our True Self or what some might call our “God-Self.” The God-Self is who we are; the ego self is who we think we are.
To stop all this needless conflict in ourselves and the world, we have to allow the our higher Self to get control of our ego or lower self. In the same way, Cesar says, the dogs want the humans to assume control, so our ego self wants our higher self to have control.
We can see the truth of this at the end of Cesar’s show when the owners have learned to be calm and assertive, and the dogs more content and relaxed.
Calmness Through Getting Our Internal Order Balanced
The same is true for humans. If we look at people who have also asserted control over their egos, they seem much more centered, calm, and joyful. They no longer flit from one thing to the next in a state of increasing anxiety and fear.
In this way, they are similar to the barking dogs who become a threat not only to themselves but to their owners, other people, and animals.
Unfortunately, we do not have a human whisperer like Cesar, so we must fulfill that role ourselves. If we can’t do it alone, we have to seek outside help from friends or, if needed, from professionals to discuss why we act so much like Cesar’s barking dogs.
Getting Our Relationship With Ourselves Ordered
We must discover that pack leader in ourselves, that higher self that can assert control over our out-of-control impulses. We must realize that our fixation on the outer world and our place in it has overtaken our lives. To begin to deal with this, we need to turn inward, observing our behavior to discover the deeper triggers that set us off.
Just as Cesar observes the dogs and their relationship with their owners, so we must watch our ego and its relationship to our higher selves. Through this constant attention and mindfulness, we can gradually get control of ourselves and become our own pack leaders.
Not only will we feel calmer and more peaceful, but it will also rub off on others, causing our social sphere to become more relaxed and centered.
Check Cesar’s Show Out
Check out some of Cesar’s shows and see how he operates. You will witness a vast improvement in not only the dogs’ lives but also the owners’. We can achieve similar results by becoming our own human whisperers and pack leaders.
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