The Absurd Good Feeling
I woke this morning feeling good, no not just good, great! Why? I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out. There was no reason for this profound sense of well-being.
Nothing in my life warranted it, in fact, I could conjure up a myriad of reasons why I should have been feeling depressed.
No Reason for It
Certainly, nothing in the world demanded it. Everything seems to be falling apart with humanity’s worst instincts overpowering his nobler ones. And of course. we always have the impending doom of climate change bearing down on us while the current administration is doing everything it can to hasten its arrival.
It’s Absurd
No there was no good reason to be in this great mood, but there it was. I call this the “Absurd Good Feeling”, and it comes over us when we least expect it. All of a sudden we are bubbling over with a profound sense of well-being and good cheer. It can only occur when you believe in the Magical Universe.
Don’t Question It
When it does come, we shouldn’t question it, we should just ride it. I know when things are going bad we expect to feel bad; it almost feels unjust, even absurd to be experiencing a profound sense of well-being in these situations. Yet there it is.
It might seem so out of place that we try to get rid of it as fast as we can, feeling it just doesn’t belong right here right now, but that would be a mistake.
The Universe Bestowing Grace
In Christianity, this absurd good feeling is called “grace” where God inexplicably gives us absolution for our sins and transports us to a higher state of consciousness.
I know some people may be turned off by these Biblical references, so instead of seeing it as God bestowing grace on us, view it rather as the universe stepping in and lifting a burden from us.
We Think We Don’t Deserve it, but We Do!
Our immediate response may be that we don’t deserve this reprieve. Why should I be chosen for this gift? It upsets us. It doesn’t make sense.
Well, it doesn’t and that is why it is absurd. But you should accept it is because it transports you to a higher state of consciousness. From there we can get a little more detachment from our issues and come up with creative solutions to them. From this higher perspective, we may even realize we were making a big deal out of nothing.
The Universe Taking Us to a Higher Consciousness
The old saying that you can’t solve a problem from the same state of consciousness that created it is true. The universe is attempting to get us out of our lower mental state where we feel isolated and alone and move us into a creative higher state where we once again feel connected to ourselves and the world around us. From here we can see not only how to handle our problems, but also how we can use it for our own personal growth and development.
The More We Embrace Them, the More They Come
The funny thing is the more we embrace these unexpected states of well-being, the more they keep occurring. It’s true. Every time we open ourselves up to this experience we make our soul a little more fertile for the next one to come.
We Have Had Them, but We Crush Them
Most of us have had these experiences, but we unconsciously crush them in their cradle. We don’t know what to do with them, especially if we are in a bad state and feel we need to punish ourselves for something.
The more we crush them, the less frequently they will come. Over time our soul will become less fertile to attract them. Eventually, they will stop coming altogether.
We Can’t Cling to Them Either
Of course, the flip side of this is when they do come on us, we can’t cling to them. When their time has passed we have to let them go, knowing that they will return again and again and again if we continue to cultivate our souls properly.
Like Maslow’s Peak Experiences
Psychologist Abraham Maslow called these “Peak Experiences.” He, unlike Freud, studied what made humans psychologically healthy and he concluded that one common feature among these “healthy” people is they had a lot of peak experiences
He claimed that when he taught this concept to his class, initially most students said they had never experienced such states. But as the semester rolled on and they talked more about them, they became aware of past peak experiences and realized they were experiencing more and more of them as the semester progressed.
How to Catch These Little Gems
So get in the habit of being self-aware and mindful, and catch these little gems when they may surprisingly come upon us for no good reason. Don’t say you don’t deserve this good feeling, but instead embrace it as a little gift from the magical universe as an encouragement to keep growing, evolving and moving forward. The universe doesn’t want us feeling isolated and alone because then we are in no condition to work with the universe to move evolution forward.
The Magical Universe Can Transform Your Life!
So when these feelings drop in on you, thank the universe for this good feeling and put it to good use. The more you do that, the more they will come and pretty soon before you know it, the magical universe will have transformed your life.