Natural Law and the Trinity
In my last article I showed the connection between Natural Law and the notion of an Intelligent Universe. In this article I would like to show how Natural Law is also related to…
Natural Law and the Intelligent Universe
In my last article I contrasted the Divine Command theory with Natural Law. I used Plato’s dialogue, Euthyphro, where Socrates asks this questions: “Do the gods love holiness [the good] because it is…
Is Something Good Because God Says So?
In Plato’s dialogue, Euthyphro, Socrates asks just this questions: “Do the gods love holiness [the good] because it is holy [good], or is it holy [good] because the gods love it?” The Divine…
Heading to a Cease-Fire in Ukraine?
There was an interesting article in the opinion section of the New York Times a couple of days ago. It was by Sergey Radchenko, who is an historian of the Cold War. It…
Finding Objectivity Behind the “Veil of Ignorance”
In my last article, “Marx Embraced Capitalism” I talked about the need to discuss the fairest and most just way to distribute the wealth that Capitalism has created. The Problem of Subjectivity One…
Marx Embraced Capitalism
The above title may sound strange to some people. Didn’t Karl Marx hate capitalism and seek its overthrow? Yes, he did, but he also saw it as a needed step on the way…
Do Christians Really Believe in Free Will?
Allan Watts asked the question, many of us do, “Are humans free beings or determined beings?” Christians maintain that human beings have free will, however corrupted and fallen we are. On the other…
Quantum Physics and Intelligent Design
In my last article I explored the philosopher and mystic, Alan Watts’ view of intelligence in the universe. He defined intelligence as patterning. claiming there were two types of patterning: Organic and Mechanical.…
The Universe is Intelligence Itself
I was listening to a talk by Alan Watts the other day and he asked the question, “How do we know if there is intelligence in the universe? What are its signs?” Watts…
Carl Jung on the Dangers of Modernity
I was in a discussion with fellow Medium writer, Graham Pemberton, over why Carl Jung had refused to meet with the Indian Holy Man, Ramana Maharshi, while he was in India in the…