Natural Law and the Trinity
In my last article I showed the connection between Natural Law and the notion of an Intelligent Universe. In this article I would like to show how Natural Law is also related to…
The Universe is Intelligence Itself
I was listening to a talk by Alan Watts the other day and he asked the question, “How do we know if there is intelligence in the universe? What are its signs?” Watts…
The Wise Universe
When I refer to a “Wise Universe” I mean there is an intelligence that underlies the whole shebang. Our Modern Conditioning In our modern world, we are trained to see the universe has…
What Living in the Now Means
There are a lot of misconceptions about what “Being or Living in the Now” means. For one thing, a lot of people think Being in the Now means just acting on any whim…
Distracted from Distraction by Distraction
The title is taken from the first of T. S. Eliot’s” Four Quartets,” Burnt Norton. It describes the plight of modern humans. We spend all of our time running away from ourselves by…
The Need For Meaning
Do you ever wonder why people believe such crazy things? For example, Trump’s big lie that the 2020 election was stolen despite over 60 court cases looking at every aspect of the election…
Aristotle: Actualizing Our Potential
In a previous article I wrote on “Quantum Evocation” (here is the link: Evocation. ) I talked about how the universe “evoked” or allured us into our best future choices. In short we…
The Hero’s Journey: Garden of Eden/Plato’s Cave
In my last article, “Searching For My Purpose, (Here’s the link: Purpose). I laid out a three-part rendition of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey: Home Consciousness, the Departure and the Return. Brief Review of…
Searching For My Purpose
To begin with, the search for our purpose is, in a sense, the search for ourselves. Aristotle tied the two together directly by claiming you can’t really know anything, including and especially ourselves,…