The Next Five Years
The next five years, in terms of climate change, could be brutal. Wading through the beginning of this article could also be brutal. But if you can get through it (it’s not long),…
Empedocles and Spiritual Determinism
When I began writing this series on Peter Kingsley’s view of Empedocles, I thought it would be just one article. Now I am on my fifth article. Each time I think my next…
Quantum Physics and Kierkegaard
I realize this is a strange combination: Quantum Physics and Danish existentialist philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), but I think Kierkegaard’s ideas in relation to proving God’s existence are relevant to how we interpret…
Quantum Physics and Intelligent Design
In my last article I explored the philosopher and mystic, Alan Watts’ view of intelligence in the universe. He defined intelligence as patterning. claiming there were two types of patterning: Organic and Mechanical.…
The Wise Universe
When I refer to a “Wise Universe” I mean there is an intelligence that underlies the whole shebang. Our Modern Conditioning In our modern world, we are trained to see the universe has…
Harmonizing With the Cosmic Flow
A few articles back I drew on the work of physicist, Sarbmeet Kanwal, who explored and wrote on Quantum Evocation (linked here: Quantum). It offers a new paradigm to replace the deterministic Newtonian…
What is the Universe?
A friend asked me, “What is the Universe?” In thinking about how to answer this simple yet profound question, I decided there were two ways of looking at it. Two Ways to View…
Aristotle: Actualizing Our Potential
In a previous article I wrote on “Quantum Evocation” (here is the link: Evocation. ) I talked about how the universe “evoked” or allured us into our best future choices. In short we…
Evolutionary Magic VII: Oxygen–From Killer to Energizer
Over the last three articles I’ve written on Evolutionary Magic (EvoLMagIV, EvolMagV, EvolMagVI) I have covered one of the most remarkable periods in our evolutionary story. First off, is the emergence of life…