One Divine Moment for Republicans and a Magical One for Democrats
The Democrats recently finished an enthusiastic and joyful convention, which caused me to reflect on what some would say were two magical or divine moments. There were two divine/magical instances in the last two months, one…
Natural Law and the Intelligent Universe
In my last article I contrasted the Divine Command theory with Natural Law. I used Plato’s dialogue, Euthyphro, where Socrates asks this questions: “Do the gods love holiness [the good] because it is…
The Bardo of Dream
There are three bardos of life and three bardos of death. In previous articles I covered “Bardos in General” here , and the first of the six bardos: “The Bardo of this Life”…
Christianity’s Relation to Democracy and Autocracy
I was listening to a talk the other day by the mystic philosopher, Allan Watts. He asked, “Is Christianity a religion of Jesus or about Jesus?” How we answer this question could very…
Quantum Evocation
Quantum Evocation is an exciting new way to understand motion, change, and evolution. Since it emerged out of quantum physics, it was initially applied to subatomic particles to explain their movements and behaviors.…
The Noosphere and the Extraordinary Realm
Last weekend I watched a short video entitled The Extraordinary Realm. It was part of a series of videos cosmologist Brain Swimme has made, and continues to make, for a group he started…
Climate Change, Nihility and the Religious (Spiritual) Quest
In my last article I wrote about the difference between knowing from the mind and knowing from the heart. I talked about how knowing from the mind or reason detaches us from the…
Socrates, Plato and the Post-Truth Society
In my last article I tackled the concept of “What is Truth”. I used Lao-Tzu and the ancient Chinese book of wisdom, The Tao-Te-Ching (The Way and Its Power) to show that truth…
What is Truth?
Truth has gone through many iterations in the history of humanity. In the Middle Ages, truth was what the church said it was. In the Modern Age truth was what reason said it…
How I Learned to Love to Write
I have some friends who are great writers even written a book, but they hate writing. Whenever I bring up the topic or suggest we mutually support each other in our next books,…