One Divine Moment for Republicans and a Magical One for Democrats
The Democrats recently finished an enthusiastic and joyful convention, which caused me to reflect on what some would say were two magical or divine moments.
There were two divine/magical instances in the last two months, one for the Republicans and one for the Democrats.
The Republican Divine Moment
The divine Republican moment involved the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Trump claimed, and the video seems to confirm, that had he not turned his head a quarter of an inch moments before the shot, he wouldn’t have been standing and giving his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention just days later.
Trump, and many of his followers, took this to be divine intervention, proving Trump was the chosen one to lead this lost country to the promised land. It fit Trump’s narrative that he was taking on the slings and arrows from liberals and the deep state so his followers wouldn’t have to, and they ate it up.
It was such a powerful experience for Trump and his minions that by the end of their convention, they were not only predicting a victory in November but also a landslide.
The Democratic Magical Instance
The magical Democratic instance took a different form, and I can explain it best by describing how it affected me.
Last month, as I was reading the New York Times online, a news flash popped up on my screen announcing that Biden had decided to withdraw from the Presidential race, something I had hoped for, but still a surprise.
Less than half an hour later, there was a second announcement saying Biden was endorsing Kamala Harris, his vice president, to replace him on the ticket.
When I read that, a bubble of energy welled up in me as if to say, “Yeah, this is precisely what we need.” I was surprised to feel this positive energy emerge out of nowhere.
I hadn’t had time to ponder its significance or question whether it was the right thing to do. My left brain chimed in with, “Shouldn’t we have some kind of open primary and convention and not just anoint Harris as the Democratic candidate for President, challenging the feel-good energy emanating from my right brain?”
But the energy was so strong and positive I decided to quiet my critical mind, at least for the time being, and bathe in the positive energy.
There were good reasons to think Biden made this excellent move. Who better to make the case against Trump than a prosecuting attorney, and not just any prosecuting attorney, but the former attorney general of California?
Not only that, but I loved her grilling of Trump’s supreme court and attorney general nominees when they appeared before the committee she was on. Her questioning was must-watch TV.
So, for the time being, I decided to go with the flow of energy I was feeling and see where it led.
As the hours and days passed, I saw I was not the only one feeling this energy. Democratic leaders and potential opponents for the nomination fell in line, supporting Kamala.
Democrats, and other supporters appearing on television, were excited and motivated by her nomination. This feeling of hope and possibility was palpable as different people lauded the nomination and vowed to get to work and get Kamala elected.
Then Kamala herself appeared on stage and gave several speeches. Democratic leader Ben Winkler in Wisconsin said Kamala “electrified” the crowd. Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan said she would win Michigan. Everyone spoke with this optimistic energy. You could see and feel their excitement. It was spreading.
Kamala herself, in a speech, said she was ready to prosecute Trump and that she was very familiar with his “type.” She had prosecuted many people like him in the past. She also laid out an inspiring agenda for the future.
It was not only what she said but also how she said it. Her points were crisp and clear, notifying Trump a new sheriff was in town.
Trump and the Republican Reaction to the Democrats’ Magical Instance
Republican reaction lent further proof of the power of this moment. Biden’s decision to withdraw and endorse Kamala flummoxed the Republicans. Strangely, they were caught completely off guard — so much so that Trump considered running away from his scheduled debate with Harris.
He was so upset he threatened to sue the Democrats for changing horses in midstream. Trump complained he and his people had spent so much time and money developing a campaign to defeat Biden and now, caught flat-footed, were trying to get the Democrats to pay for their incompetence.
More touchingly, Republicans suddenly felt terrible for all those Democrats who had voted for Biden in the primary. They asked, “What about their votes? How could the Democrats annul their wishes?” It just wasn’t right.
Was the Democrats’ Instance Magical?
Some may not believe this change from Biden to Harris as the nominee was magical, and I understand that. But this sudden burst of energy, literally out of nowhere, surprised everyone, even those who hadn’t wanted Biden to step down.
Where people had thought Biden stepping down would lead to intra-party battle and division, the opposite occurred. Nearly everyone felt this surge of positive energy and optimism, as it all came together organically and naturally, knowing they now had an excellent chance to defeat Trump and his threat not only to Democracy but to the fate of the planet.
The Real Meaning of Trump’s Divine Moment
To return to the Trump divine instance. Trump and his people were convinced God made Trump turn his head that quarter of an inch to keep him alive to fulfill his divine purpose.
But what was that “divine” purpose? Did God save Trump’s life to fulfill His divine will, or much more likely, did God save Trump’s life to serve as a rallying point for Democrats, keeping them highly motivated to defeat Trump? All this coming together over Kamala is because she is the best person to take Trump down. Plus, Trump can’t stand up to her.
We don’t know what kind of President Kamala will make, but we know that she can defeat Trump and maybe quite handily, putting to bed once and for all Trump’s dreams of being a dictator on Day 1 and for many days after that.