Quantum Evocation
Quantum Evocation is an exciting new way to understand motion, change, and evolution. Since it emerged out of quantum physics, it was initially applied to subatomic particles to explain their movements and behaviors.
Evoking the Future: Not Enslaved by Past
While the Newtonian model states that past actions are the cause of future actions in a linear sequence of events, quantum evocation focuses on the allurement of future possibilities to explain actions.
In short, Newtonian determinism states that anything that happens at any future time is completely determined by what happens now, and moreover that everything now was completely determined by what happened at any time in the past.
The wonderful thing about quantum evocation is it doesn’t rely on the past to explain the future, but rather maintains that the future is evoked by future possibilities.
While Newton’s physics applies to the objects in our everyday world, quantum evocation applies to actions in the subatomic world.
Physicist, Sarbmeet Kanwal says this in his article, “Quantum Evocation.”
“Deep down [at the quantum level] an object’s motion is not driven by external forces pushing on it, but by a set of possible new positions beckoning the object to step in.”
As with all quantum physics, we can’t know which position the object will move into, we can only know the set of new positions the object might possibly take.
So rather than past actions determining where an object will move, it is future possibilities that beckon the object to realize one of those possibilities.
We move from the deterministic Newtonian paradigm where the future is determined by past events, to the quantum evocation paradigm where the future is not determined, but open to many possibilities.
Applying Quantum Evocation to Our Everyday Lives
However, Sarbmeet Kanwal doesn’t just want to apply quantum evocation to quantum events, but is interested in exploring how it can apply in our everyday lives.
While Newtonian laws of motion still apply to the physical objects in our everyday world, Kanwal believes quantum evocation can be applied to human psyches, giving us a new model for how to act in the world.
Being Allured Into the Future
Quantum evocation is offering us a new paradigm in which to reframe the choices we make in our lives. Instead of focusing on past events to determine future actions, let’s examine the future possibilities that are open to us. Which of these future possibilities do we have the most affinity for? Which one draws us to realize it?
Instead of focusing on the past, let’s focus on the future.
Now, it’s something for a quantum particle to be allured to its next position but it’s quite another for humans to be so easily allured to their next possible future. Humans are far more complex than subatomic particles.
Humans developed free will as part of their evolutionary journey, and thus can be led astray from their true selves and their connection to the universe.
We Have Become Imprisoned in Our Own Psyches
Losing that deep connection to the creative impulse of the universe, humans have become imprisoned in their own psyches.
Quantum evocation seeks to free humans from their deterministic prison. Rather than citing or blaming past events for present or future actions, quantum evocation calls on humans to drop their past conditioning and openly engage future possibilities.
In order to do that, humans have to escape their thought riddled minds and descend deeper into themselves to discover who they really are.
They have to move from their individual egos to their higher selves which are connected to the universe and all life.
To Hear and Feel the Allurement of the Universe, Must Quite Our Minds
Only when humans can quiet their minds, can they begin to hear and feel the pulse of the universe and its allurement of future possibilities.
It’s not through rational analysis that we experience these deep inner callings, but rather, it is through a silent connection with the universe that we feel our way to our possible futures.
It is very much like the Tao in Taoism. The Tao counsels that we must get beyond the rational mind to get an inner sense of the Tao.
The Tao-te-ching, the book of Taoism, is composed of 81 verses intended to confound our reason to get us out of our thinking minds and into our hearts. The Tao-te-ching never comes right out and says the Tao is this or the Tao is that. Instead it circles around the Tao to give one an inner sense of it. The more we read the Tao-te-ching the more we open up to the experience of the Tao which is beyond thought.
This is what quantum evocation is alluring us to do now in our lives.
Applying Quantum Evocation to Global Issues
Imagine applying this to social and global issues like climate change This year more than others, we are seeing its devastating effects across the world. Scientists tell us we are running out of time to stave off its worst consequences.
It’s a problem that must be dealt with globally. All the countries of the world need to come together to solve this problem in order to create a healthy earth community.
But nobody is paying attention, at least not at the level of countries coming together to deal with this pressing issue.
We also see divisions and wars continuing, the most serious being the war in Ukraine. We also have the confrontation with China over Taiwan brewing. We see the endless divisions around the world when we desperately need to come together. But people and countries are too caught up in their conditioned minds
As a result, wars and conflicts continue and the growing threat from climate change threatens the extinction of all sides of these conflicts. One can hope that before it’s too late these adversaries understand that their real enemy is not their opponent, but their ignorance. It was Pogo that said,
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
On the other hand, if we approach these issues from the paradigm of quantum evocation, a different outcome can be imagined.
Not Controlled by Past, but Allured By Future Possibilities
Suppose, instead of being controlled by the past, these entities began to be allured by future possibilities.
If they quieted down their chattering minds, and felt a deeper connection to the universe, they would feel the allurements of a healthier future.
They would see the threat of climate change and feel no allurement in doing nothing.
Rather, they would feel the allurement of a healthier future made possible by dropping their past animosities, or at least setting them aside to preserve a livable future. Hopefully, afterwards, their animosities would melt away.
Instead of feeling separate and antagonistic toward the other, they would at least, for the moment, be drawn to connect with the other in the mutually beneficial action of saving the planet, a far more alluring future than the one they are now heading toward.
Quantum evocation has a powerful role to play in reshaping our individual and collective lives, but it requires a quantum leap in human understanding.
Let’s stop focusing on the past and start feeling the allurement of future possibilities.
To learn more about the magic of the universe: Click this link: The Magical Universe.
Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash