Trump and the Egyptian God Set
In my last article, “One Divine Moment for Republicans and a Magical One for Democrats,” I brought up the attempted assassination of Trump, who claimed had he not moved his head a quarter of an inch, the shot would have killed him.
Trump, and his followers, saw this as an omen that God saved Trump to become the next president and lead us to the Promised Land.
After going through the magic moment for Democrats, which you can read here, I gave a twist to Trump’s assassination survival. Instead of God saving Trump so he could lead us to the Promised Land, I said God saved Trump to serve as a rallying point for Democrats not to become complacent and keep in mind the huge stakes in this election, not only the survival of Democracy in the United States but perhaps more importantly, the survival of life on this planet.
Remember, Trump told 20 oil executives Oil Execs Donation that he would end all of Biden’s climate change regulations for a donation of one billion dollars, and that means game over for the planet.
Who is Set?
Trump reminds me of the ancient Egyptian God Set, sometimes called Seth. In Egyptian mythology, Set personifies chaos, disorder and destruction. Eventually, he came to represent “evil” in the Egyptian pantheon.
Let me briefly recount the story of Set. Although this story has different versions, they all agree on this fundamental overview.
Set was the son, along with his brother Osiris and sisters Isis and Nepthys, of Geb, the earth god, and Nut, the sky goddess. Osiris, the oldest of the four, became the king of Egypt.
He introduced new laws and raised his people up from living like barbarians to leading civilized lives. He taught them agriculture, among many other things. He was loved by all on earth and by the gods in the netherworlds.
Set was jealous of his brother for the respect and attention he garnered, so he arranged to kill Osiris. After killing him, he cut his body into 14 pieces and spread them up and down the Nile. Set then became the king with his sister, Nepthys, as queen.
But Nepthys felt great sympathy for her sister, Isis, who wept endlessly for the loss of her brother. Isis, having great powers, decided to travel with Nepthys, the length and breadth of the Nile, to gather all the pieces of Osiris and bring him back to life long enough to have his child.
With Isis now pregnant, Osiris descended to the underworld to become lord of that domain, leaving Set to be the king of Egypt.
Isis then gave birth to Horus, the hawk god. When Horus becomes an adult, thinking Set has usurped the throne, he challenges him to various competitions with the winner becoming king.
Horus finally emerged victorious despite many instances where Set cheated. Set begged not to be killed. Isis, feeling sympathy for Set, spared his life and let him go, perhaps in the same way God decided to make Trump turn his head a quarter of an inch to spare his life.
Why Isis Prevents Set’s Death
People debate why Isis did not put an end to “evil” right then and there. One answer is that we need evil to keep us on our toes. Without it, we can become complacent and lazy. Maybe we need the fires of hell burning under us to keep us motivated. Anytime we sink too low, the fires scorching our butts motivate us to action.
That applies to Trump, whose next administration would resemble the fires of hell. So, if we feel complacent, we need to ponder life under a second Trump regime, and this should motivate us to take further action.
How Bad Would Trump Be
To highlight this last point, New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie stated in a recent Column that Trump is becoming increasingly incoherent in his speeches, debate performances, social media posts, interviews, etc. Yet, despite that, Bouie claims that Trump makes several points explicit.
First, regarding Trump’s proposed tariff on Chinese goods, Bouie writes,
“In reality, according to the Tax Policy Center, the worldwide 10 percent tariff and 60 percent tariff on Chinese goods proposed by the former president would effectively raise the price of most goods, raise taxes on most households, slow economic growth and reduce both corporate and individual tax revenues.”
Second, in a speech in Wisconsin, Trump threatened to jail his political opponents, including donors, political operatives, “illegal voters and election officials.
On his Truth Social platform, Trump posted this:
“The 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny, and WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long-term prison sentences.”
He continues
“Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”
Finally, Bouie writes of Trump:
“Or as he said last year in New Hampshire, `We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.’ “
As Kamala Harris points out, we can either move forward or backward. Going backward means not dealing seriously with today’s problems.
These quotes should be enough to wake us up to the looming fires in our future.
We can’t allow this modern-day version of the Egyptian God of chaos and disorder to destroy our country and the planet. So, let’s face our fears and make sure this doesn’t happen. Not to do so would be the ultimate tragedy.